Since most global government and non-government regulatory agencies, and standards organizations have their information, policies, guidelines, legislation and standards published on Wikipedia. IMHSC considers Wikipedia as the logical platform and central Polylinguistic repository for the analytical review, gap analysis and collaboration for the open development, due process, and publishing of International mHealth Open Standards.
Phase One - Call To Action:
Global Standards and Regulatory Agencies Across All Sectors: Update, publish and continually keep updating all relevant guidelines, cyberlaws, legislation reform, laws, standards, best practices, SOP's, training materials, auditing materials, and guidance documentation.
IMHSC calls for worldwide convergence and contribution. IMHSC is calling global standards organizations, government, and non government regulatory agencies to take action by establishing standard operating procedures and selection of member representatives to continuously update your organizations standards, policies, legislation, cyberlaws, requirements, and mHealth guidance recommendations on Wikipedia.
Progress continuity is dependent on continuious entry & scaled content management. To foster global multiagency sector collaboration, data collection and analysis we recommend interested individuals and each global standards organization and government agency establish Standard Operating Procedures along with the selection of a member representative to continuously monitor & maintain the accuracy of infomation posted, updated & published on Wikipedia specifically enforceable regional mHealth specific standards, guidelines, legislation, requirements, and laws.
Click on link to view Global mHealth Standardization Initiative WikiProject Development
Posted & Published an Update on Wiki? Blog about it. IMHSC Global Portal BLOG
mHealth technology interoperability development costs can be reduced with license free open source software. Interoperability validation & testing are key steps to the advancement of mHealth technologies. Click on the links below to access multiple open source freeware data architecture portals.
Open Source Epidemiology, Public Health & Clinical Medicine Informatics Epi Info CDC's OpenEpi is free & open source epidemiological management software to customize, save & share questionnaires & data entry forms, view, import and tailor data entry with conditional skip patterns, and data validations while checking code. Combine and analyze output with data fro Enter and other sources such as Access or SQL Server. Simple commands generate statistics, tables, graphs,and regional maps. EpiInfo is used globally for the rapid assessment of disease outbreaks; for the development of small to mid-sized disease surveillance systems; as ad hoc components integrated with other large scale or enterprise-wide public health information systems; and in the continuous education of public health professionals learning the science of epidemiology, tool & techniques. It can be run via web server or downloaded and run without a web connection. The programs are written in JavaScript and HTML, and should be compatible with recent Linux, Mac, and PC browsers, regardless of operating system. (Available English, Spanish & Italian)
OpenEpi CDC's EpiInformatics Publications, Courses, Blog, & Nutrition & Antiretroviral Dosage Calculators
EpiHandy - openXdata Open source tools for the collection and handling of any type of data using mobile phones, SmartPhones, PDA's and handheld computers developed by Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Norway in collaboration with Makerere University Uganda. New releases focus on clinical trial data collection.
SAHANA Free Open Source Disaster Management System
OpenEHR implementation of specifications
The Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) Project STEM is an open source project of free software originally developed by IBM Research. STEM uses a component software architecture based on OSGi standards. Policymakers responsible for strategies to contain disease and prevent epidemics need an accurate understanding of disease dynamics and the likely outcomes of preventative actions. The Spatiotemporal Modeler (STEM) tool is designed to help scientist and public health officials create and use spacial and temporal models of emerging & infectious diseases. STEM facilitates the development of advanced mathematical models, the creation of flexible models involving multiple populations (species/vectors) and regional interactions between diseases. (English, Spanish, Hebrew, Japanese) STEM on Wiki
IMHSC QR CODE which reads: IMHSC is leveraging Wikipedia as its web-based open source
Polylinguistic go-to platform to achieve cooperative information sharing, collaboration
and consensus between global agencies, regulatory bodies, and standards
HL7 / Wireless Open Source - Interoperability Validation Testing Tool Click Link
XML / Wireless Open Source - Interoperability Validation Testing Tool Link
Open Source Wireless Interoperability Testing Tool Link
World Wide Web Testing Tools & Standards Link
Click Here to submit additional open source technical testing environment requests.