Jovianna DiCarlo, CIO & CEO
Jovianna DiCarlo is a biopharmaceutical clinical / medical device development, and Health IT
executive with two decades of industry leadership experience across a spectrum
of key corporate and strategic functions. She specializes in innovative technology product & corporate development for technology start ups - StudyManager, MCR Global, WishClouds and MagCast. She also served as
President of eStudyBinder a start up regulatory informatics technology company where Ms DiCarlo developed and led product
branding, US business plans, marketing, sales, B2B and commercialization strategies
to launch eStudy Binders web-based SaaS clinical trial regulatory management technology
application. Ms. DiCarlo also served as
President & CEO of ConsentSolutions, a provider of an electronic
clinical trial informed consent (eIC) Saas technology application
where she facilitated the development of regulatory,quality, ethics and
auditing programs to support eIC applications. She
initiated an industry/FDA CDRH working group to
establish new guidance to industry for use of electronic informed consent
technology applications used in clinical trials. Ms DiCarlo delivers
regulatory & quality auditing program development & training to
FDA field compliance auditors on best practices, procedures, and
work-flow for auditing emerging clinical informatic technology applications.
Weinstock, Co-Founder & COO
Ms. Weinstock brings over 20 years experience developing and directing
Global Operations and Infrastructure Services Groups. Prior to founding IMHSC
she led a global CRO & regulatory affairs firm where she oversaw
product management, information management, communications, infrastructure
engineering, operations and support functions. She holds degrees in
Business, Biology and Psychology from Florida International University.
Christopher Pelatti, Corporate Counsel & CFO