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Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998 - Amends the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 to include among its purposes: (1) promoting the more rapid development and wider distribution of networking management and development tools; and (2) promoting the rapid adoption of open network standards. Directs that the National High-Performance Computing Program provide for: (1) the development of technologies to advance Internet capacity and capabilities; and (2) high-performance testbed networks to enable the research, development, and demonstration of advanced networking technologies and to develop and demonstrate advanced applications.

High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 - Title I: High-Performance Computing and the National Research and Education Network - Directs the President to implement the National High-Performance Computing Program. Sets forth Network requirements, including: (1) fostering and maintaining competition and private sector investment in high-speed data networking within the telecommunications industry; (2) promoting the development of commercial data communications and telecommunications standards;

Sets forth Program requirements, including: (1) setting